Wednesday May 27, 2020
NASDA Podcast: Influence of the Environment on Sampling and Water Test Results
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
NASDA 2020 Educators Roundtable Podcast: Influence of the Environment on Sampling and Water Test Results
Dr. Channah Rock, Water Quality Extension Specialist and Professor, The University of Arizona, channah@cals.arizona.edu
Chris and Michelle talk to Dr. Channah Rock about agricultural surface water. They touch on site specific assessments, sanitary surveys, interpreting testing results, EPA recreational water quality standards, how to decide where to pull water samples from and recent challenges around infield water treatment. The podcast ends with a discussion around the importance of standardization in methods to directly compare work from different regions. *Note – FDA reviewers note currently no antimicrobials are currently registered to treat irrigation water for pathogens of public health concern.
Our series hosts are
Dr. Michelle Danyluk, Professor and Extension Specialist – Food Microbiology, University of Florida IFAS, mddanyluk@ufl.edu
Dr. Chris Gunter, Vegetable Production Specialist and Professor, North Carolina State University, cgunter@ncsu.edu
Podcast Sessions Replacing Educators Round Table Workshop, Produce Safety Consortium March 2020
We connect with leading scientists across the country working in diverse areas of produce safety. In these casual discussions, our presenters share insights into the science behind some of our favorite topics in the Produce Safety Rule. These podcasts address water, cleaning, and sanitation issues beyond that expressly covered in the Rule. This series of podcasts has been developed, with help and support from NASDA, FDA, and AFDO, to explore the educational content originally scheduled for the Produce Safety Consortium Educator’s Pre-meeting workshop.